You've Got Mail!! ........
The weather has been so nice today. I never looked to see what the high was but I am sure

it was in the high 60's. Gandalf & I just kind of lolly gagged all day. When I went down to check the mail I caught Gandalf checking out the night watchman. This guy has been posted at the end of the road in hopes he will detour any rodents that keep gnawing into the irrigation system. I have really enjoyed my day at home. I can't help but be thankful for all God has entrusted me with.
Your place is so pretty! The pictures you post make me want to come down there and ride the golf cart.
I'm glad you enjoyed your day off.
Mama if you will come down we could ride the golf cart to Hobby Lobby!!
It looks so peaceful there.....I glad you enjoyed your day...Hobby Lobby???? Yes we have one here....you would love it.
i hope you do well with your pecans , maybe when i buy pecans this christmas i will be eats the fruit of your labor. i would like to think so any way.
Your place looks so quite and relaxing. Gee pecans are a fortune in the grocery store this year. $6.99 for 12 oz. I better find me a pecan tree somewhere and pick my own.
Tina, I thought your mama wasn't allowed to drive that golfcart! ;0)
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