The pecan crop is coming on nicely but we are not counting our nuts until they are hatched....and bagged up! The pests & diseases have been a pain & a lot of work but maybe it will be a good crop in the end. This is considered an "ON" year for pecan growers so I am a little worried about prices. BUT we will rob that train when it gets here. In the mean time the hospital I work at is MIGHTY BUSY right now. For the past 2 years, construction has been going on for our new facility. On September the 22nd we will move in!! I spent most of the day Wednesday touring & inservicing there. It is beautiful!! You can see a picture of our old one story hospital & then a picture of our new FOUR STORY hospital!! BLING-BLING!! I am so excited! The equipment is really state of the art and the decorating is beautiful! We have outgrown our old hospital & it is very outdated. Now I am thrilled that the facility will match our care which I believe is FOUR STAR! Our community is very blessed with excellent health care workers & now a nice new updated facility.