Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's been like Wild Kingdom around here lately! We have had a pair of red tail hawks living on this farm since we squatted on this land. This year they raised some chicks but I was never able to get a picture of them. Saturday Danny spotted one of the adults at the pond fishing. You can see something white to the left of his tallon. This is a fish he caught. Danny was able to record him on video eating the shinner. One of the pictures you can see he has his tallons wrapped around the fish as it is trying to flop back into the pond. There has been a good bit of critter activity here. I'll share some more with yall later!


Lori said...

I love the picture! You were able to get very close to the bird.

Jen said...

You are always sending me sweet are such a wonderful person.....thank you

mouse said...

Wow that is a really cool picture. I would love to have a bird like that over here eating our birdfood. If he has been around for that long you need to give him a name.