Thursday, August 24, 2006

It want be long & there will be enough grapes for my husband to start making jelly!


Marci said...

Wow, very healthy looking grapes!!! What type are they?

Jen said...

That sounds so good..I'm waiting on the pears to fall out back so I can make Pear-Honey...we love this.

Jen said...
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Kelli said...

Oh Wow!!! Beautiful grapes and I bet they taste so much better than the ones in the grocery store!!

mouse said...

I bought grapes at the grocery store today, some green ones and some of those giant red ones (I forget what you GA folks call them) but they are really good. I had never tried the giant red ones until a year ago and have decided they are the best grapes out there. Your's look really good also, they look bigger than the reg. green grapes or white grapes is what I think they are called but heck they are green so I call them green grapes.

Sandra said...

Wow those are gorgeous :) For some reason I imagine them as being really juicy and will have to let us know :)

patsy said...

it amazes me that your husband makes the jelly. he is a jewel.

patsy said...

if i decide i want to get rid of chickens i give them away. i raised some heavy hens and gave the roosters to my mexican neighbors last year then i gave the heavy hens to my son couse i didn't like them. course now i have 14 of the heavy chicken's babies that i sat under a hen. will keep the pullets and give the rest to mexican neighbor.i guess you could sell them but i don't want to mess with people that are shopping. i like the banties because they are small and cute. they lay enough eggs for us. my daughter sold eggs at work last spring from the big chickens. she probably will again this spring. i just like them that all.