Friday, April 14, 2006

It is planting time here in South Georgia. Tractors are the main vehicle on the road these days. Fields are full of workers putting in new tobacco plants, planting corn and cotton. It is a glorious site to see the fresh plowed earth. I want to kick my shoes off and go walk in the cool dark dirt. Spring is alive and kicking! Our pecan trees have budded. As you look down the rows of trees you can see a wisp of light green as the leaves begin their season of growth. Even in Spring there is still a harvest to collect. Local farmers are pulling up onions! Oh how I love a grilled hamburger with a slice of fresh-from-the-dirt sweet onion! Yum! To new beginings and endings...a blessing here in the South!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

What pretty trees and your onions look so yummy! I planted some a few months ago but I don't think they are that big. I'm so happy you have a blog. That is the secret I was telling the girls on the other site about..hehhee. When are you going to spill the beans??!
