There has been Much Happenings here at my house this past month. No I aint dead....I've just had more to do & I've used my time in other areas. Lots of folks have asked me why I haven't been blogging. Well I really do love blogging & gettin on the computer, so much that I can become obsessed with it real easy like! For years I have had the same morning routine (I love the mornings). It always consisted of getting the coffee rolling, gettin a cup of it, a little something to eat on & heading for the porch. Then I spend the morning with my goodies, my daily Bible reading, journaling and prayer. With blogging I started skipping that & heading to the computer first and FREQUENTLY missing my quiet time all together. So I have knocked off a bit & got back to the basics. I frequently look at everyones blogs (yall have all become such dear friends to me)to see how everyone is doing but not spending the time to comment. I told my friend Kelli that I have become a "LURKER" of blogs! LOL! There really has been a lot of exciting things going on here in the past month. We have been to 2 family reunions, (One on my side & one on Danny's side) 2 different graduations (Danny's daughter graduated from RN school & our niece from high school) & as you can tell from the pictures......MUCH FISHIN has been going on!! With the severe lack of rain (Oh BUT GOD IS SO GOOD GIVIN US OVER 5 INCHES OF THAT BLESSED HEAVENLY WATER YESTERDAY!!!!!!) there has been less field cutting sooooo WE BEEN A FISHIN!!! The bream & bass fishin has been soooo good!!! There has been some other "this & thats" goin on to but the important thing is....I AINT DEAD like yall all probably thought! So just thought I would let yall know that I am here....lurking! LOL!
The pictures are: A Bass
Danny's daughter & grands at graduation
A Bass
Me & Mama at the family reunion
Danny & a big-in
Did I give you permission to post my picture??? I don't think so. You will be hearing from my lawyer shortly.
Bring it on Mother!! LOL!!
Great pictures Tina. I have missed you, but I am proud of you for choosing the most important things first. Dot, I love your picture. I do want to know if you swatted her for sticking out her tongue though? =)
Tina, so glad to see and hear from you....the yo-yo quilt is beautiful and an and Dot look exactly as I pictured you in my mind...lovely ladies....I try to have my devotional first thing in the mornings also. If I don't, it seems like every thing takes precedent over it. My blogging friends have come to mean so much to me....
Those are such great pictures, Tina! You are your mama are so cute and I knew you were a troublemaker..sticking your tongue out at your mama like that. ;0)
Love ya!
Looks like you have been busy.
I've missed your posts too.
I won't be posting much lately either.
We are so busy planning trips and etc.
Hugs, Lori
Tina, I have missed you, and I love the pictures. Sounds like y'all have been busy.
Tina, just dropping by to day Hey! I can totally relate to the blogging thing. It can take over your life, as will the computer itself. If I don't do my devotionals first thing in the a.m., even before breakfast, it can get scrapped very fast. So, that's what I do too. I spend time on the computer, but really don't want it to take over. Good for you, we have to find that balance.
SOuthern Hospitality
Hi Tina, Good to "see" you again.
Tina, you are a very good girl. You remind me of my daughters. And your Mama and I are much alike, but still different...that is what makes the world go around!
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