It has been a busy week for me. No time for blogging until today. Thinking about everything this past week..well I'm glad its over... not that it was a bad week..just busy. After an unsuccessful hunt this morning I came home to get caught up on the laundry & put things back in order. I got a big mess of mustard greens cleaned & cooked today. Fixed a fine supper with fried pork chops, baked sweet taters, corn bread, yellow rice & of course those greens! (Mama, I dont care how many starches are in that meal!) We had our first fire in the fireplace last night & burned one all day today. My youngest son, who I added to my cell phone plan this week, just called me. He spent a night in the woods in his broke down truck this week with no minutes on his cell phone. After his busy day today..I was glad to hear from him. So as far as I'm concerned....God is good all the time, All the time God is good....and everything is right in my little world this evening!
I took this serene picture in Cades Cove.